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Trade or Invest?

Let’s look at the differences. Investing takes a long-term approach to the markets and often applies to such purposes as retirement accounts. Trading, on the other hand involves short-term strategies to maximize returns daily, monthly, or quarterly.


If you choose to trade, you are likely in for shorter-term gains. To be a trader, you need the following qualities:

  1. Versatile in technical analysis and different trading techniques
  2. Extremely disciplined, and
  3. Able to remain calm and make decisions with an unbiased, emotionless mind.

If you could be good at it, sounds like an opportunity, right?

However, just as the market can be go up, it can also plummet. What happens then? If you are emotional, your decisions become clouded and mistakes are more likely to happen.  In declining markets you will most likely panic-sell just to observe the market later rebound. You can also try to follow trends. But chances are you end up buying at the top. Consequently, losses rack up, frustrations kick-in. Unfortunately this is why:

  • 95% of traders quit and move on within one year, and
  • those who stay become quite knowledgeable, work extremely hard, and endure a tremendous amount of personal and financial pressure.

So, if you are made of steel, then maybe trading is your thing. Perhaps it’s the thrill. A little like poker – a bit of psychology, a bit of calculation, and a bit of luck. However, the stakes are way higher compared to an average casino night out. Trading is not a game. Your money is not a game. 

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While investing might look similar to trading, it’s not. When you trade, you look for a short-term perspective. A good trader will know their entry and exit points and be well aware of when it’s time to quit. Yet, it is a full-time job. Investing is different.

  • Investors are looking to make money long-term. Minor swings are ignored.
  • Fundamentals are the cornerstones that interest investors. They include team qualifications, the tech behind the product, its potential, etc 
  • Investing sounds like a great passive income, and it is to some extent. However, it’s not as easy as it seems. It’s not just set and forget.

Have you heard of the dotcom bubble? It is a great example of why you have to monitor your investments at all times. Between 1995 and its peak in March 2000, the Nasdaq Composite stock market index rose 400% because of new internet companies popping up now and then. However, in 2002, the market crashed so hard that only a few survived.


Monitoring your investments is therefore a must. That’s especially true for crypto – the space is rather novel, and new projects pop up like crazy. You have to be extra careful and avoid the fly-by-night projects and scams. 


In 2021, the NFT craze took over the minds of crypto enthusiasts. Prices were soaring like crazy, but what do we see now? They are down 97% from their peak in January! Remember how Jack Dorsey’s tweet was sold for a whopping $2.9m? The current owner is auctioning the piece, but the highest bid is 65 ETH (approx. $83,000).


This example warns of the dangers the volatility brings, to be careful with your money and employ either due diligence or risk management professionals.

So what's best for you?

It’s up to you to decide the approach that suits you best. However, always remember that you have to take responsibility for your decisions, skills and behaviours:

  • If you lose, you lose, it’s your fault
  • You need to be a knowledge powerhouse
  • You must be stress-resistant. 

If all of this doesn’t sound like you, then either take a private banker or if you don’t qualify, it’s time to think about tools to help you through your journey. Tools that can trade or invest for you whilst managing your risk without the need for any additional actions on your side. 

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Risk Management with Libertify

Whether you decide to trade or invest, your end goal is to make profits for whatever reason you might have: early retirement, capital preservation, etc. However, by doing it on your own and relying on your knowledge, you expose yourself to a big risk that can eventually crash something that started so well.


For this reason, Libertify has created the ultimate tailored risk management solution. It takes into consideration your long term investment horizons, but also allows you to take short term, emotionless decisions like a pro-trader by monitoring and managing your risk daily.


Libertify constantly balances your positions between assets and cash depending on the market and your level of risk. This blend provides a safety net durable enough to withstand the tests of declining markets, and ensures you remain positioned in the market to enjoy the rebounds. Just like having a seatbelt fastened, you’re protected from unpredictable accidents, yet have the confidence to accelerate when needed.

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